You have 14 days from the date your order is shipped to request a return. Please note that once you have made the return request online, you have a maximum of 14 days for us to physically receive the shipment. After this period, the return may not be accepted. Please note that the return costs are the responsibility of the customer. Please also note that our central warehouse is located in France.

It is necessary to contact us in advance by email only before making a return. Returns made without prior contact by email with our after-sales service will be refused.

We inform you that items returned in an inappropriate condition, dirty, worn or without hygiene and/or sales labels will not be refunded.

If customer service is not notified and/or the item(s) are returned without a confirmed factory defect, we will not be able to guarantee an exchange.

You can make the return, entirely at your expense, using a courier of your choice (Home delivery with tracking). You will be fully responsible for the return and any missed or late delivery.

In order to prevent product return abuse, we have defined separate cases, with return costs: A handling fee will be deducted from the refund, which is 25% of the total order (excluding shipping). This fee covers various costs incurred for your order, including receiving, cleaning, repacking, and storage. This fee can be waived if you choose to receive a credit on our website.

Promotional products are neither returned nor exchanged.

The products offered are not exchangeable or refundable. If you order with an offer such as “1 product offered for all orders”, the product offered must be returned in its entirety in order to obtain a refund.

You can send your return using the original packaging, as long as it is still intact and shows no signs of handling and/or wear. Alternatively, you can choose another packaging to send your return, making sure that it is also in good condition, well closed and can withstand the shipment. Please note that you are responsible for the return packaging. Any returned item damaged due to inadequate packaging, such as a shoe box or trash bag, will not be refunded.


Parcel Liability: We are not responsible for parcel losses by the carrier.

Input Errors: We are not responsible for address or contact information input errors.

Return Costs: Return costs are the responsibility of the customer.

Unfortunately, we cannot accept returns on sale items or gift cards.

Prior Contact: You must contact our customer service at before making a return. Returns without prior contact may be refused.